Sankey diagram

Flow chart

A Sankey diagram is a flow chart. For generic flow chart related information, please visit "Flow charts" tutorial.


Sankey diagram is drawn horizontal (links flow from left to right) by default.

We can change it using series' orientation setting:

let series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    orientation: "vertical"
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    orientation: "vertical"



Nodes (colored bands) are 10 pixel wide by default.

We can use series setting nodeWidth to change that:

let series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    nodeWidth: 5
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    nodeWidth: 5

Configuring nodes

Nodes in flow diagrams are represented by their own series, accessible via read-only property nodes which is an object of type SankeyNodes.

It subsequently has a property rectangles which is a list of all nodes in series.

Since it's a "list template", we can use its template property to set any setting for the node, which is of type RoundedRectangle:

  fillOpacity: 0.5,
  stroke: am5.color(0x000000),
  strokeWidth: 1,
  cornerRadiusTL: 4,
  cornerRadiusTR: 4,
  cornerRadiusBL: 4,
  cornerRadiusBR: 4
  fillOpacity: 0.5,
  stroke: am5.color(0x000000),
  strokeWidth: 1,
  cornerRadiusTL: 4,
  cornerRadiusTR: 4,
  cornerRadiusBL: 4,
  cornerRadiusBR: 4

See the Pen Sankey diagram by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Node data

Setting node data

In Sankey diagrams, node ids (and names) are derived from link data (via sourceIdField and targetIdField).

In some cases, we might need more than just node id which comes from Sankey data.

For that we can set own data on[
  { id: "A", name: "Node A" },
  { id: "B", name: "Node B" },
  { id: "C", name: "Node C" }
  { id: "A", name: "Node A" },
  { id: "B", name: "Node B" },
  { id: "C", name: "Node C" }

Modifying data fields

Node series (which is SankeyNodes) is automatically set up for these data fields:

Data fieldDefault valueComment
idField"id"ID of the node.
nameField"id"Name of the node.
fillField"fill"Fill color for the node.

We can modify those to suit our data:

  idField: "id",
  nameField: "name"
  { id: "A", name: "Node A" },
  { id: "B", name: "Node B" },
  { id: "C", name: "Node C" }
  idField: "id",
  nameField: "name"
  { id: "A", name: "Node A" },
  { id: "B", name: "Node B" },
  { id: "C", name: "Node C" }

IMPORTANTData fields need to be set before data or they will not work as expected.

Node colors via data

We can also specify custom colors for nodes via node data:[
  { id: "A", name: "Node A", fill: am5.color(0xFF621F) },
  { id: "B", name: "Node B", fill: am5.color(0x297373) },
  { id: "C", name: "Node C", fill: am5.color(0x946B49) }
  { id: "A", name: "Node A", fill: am5.color(0xFF621F) },
  { id: "B", name: "Node B", fill: am5.color(0x297373) },
  { id: "C", name: "Node C", fill: am5.color(0x946B49) }

The fill color will be lookup up in a "fill" field of the data. If we need to use something else, we will need to configure node series' fillField as well:

  idField: "id",
  nameField: "name",
  fillField: "color"
  { id: "A", name: "Node A", color: am5.color(0xFF621F) },
  { id: "B", name: "Node B", color: am5.color(0x297373) },
  { id: "C", name: "Node C", color: am5.color(0x946B49) }
  idField: "id",
  nameField: "name",
  fillField: "color"
  { id: "A", name: "Node A", color: am5.color(0xFF621F) },
  { id: "B", name: "Node B", color: am5.color(0x297373) },
  { id: "C", name: "Node C", color: am5.color(0x946B49) }

See the Pen amCharts 5: Custom Sankey node colors by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Gaps between nodes

Sankey diagrams display a tiny gap between each node by default.

We can control the size of it using series' nodePadding setting.

It accepts a numeric value in degrees.

let series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    nodePadding: 5
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    nodePadding: 5


Sankey will position all of its nodes aligned to left, which might not work for complex flows.

To control it, we have a Sankey setting: nodeAlign.

It accepts four values: "left" (default), "right", "center", and "justify".

let series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    nodeAlign: "justify"
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    nodeAlign: "justify"

See the Pen Sankey diagram by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Disabling dragging and toggling

Nodes are draggable and click-togglable in Sankey diagram by default.

To disable it, simply set draggable: false and toggleKey: "none" settings on node template:

  draggable: false, // disables dragging
  toggleKey: "none" // disables toggling
  draggable: false, // disables dragging
  toggleKey: "none" // disables toggling



Sankey links are smooth curves by default.

We can configure how "tight" the curve is via series linkTension setting.

With default of 0.5 it accepts a numeric value between 0 (zero) and 1 (one).

The smaller the number, the more loose the curve. 1 will result in maximum tension, i.e. perfectly straight line.

let series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    linkTension: 1
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    linkTension: 1

Configuring links

We can configure links using series property links.template. Via template, we can set any SankeyLink setting.

  fillOpacity: 0.5
  fillOpacity: 0.5

Color mode

Sankey links can be colored in a number of ways via link template's fillStyle setting:

  fillStyle: "solid"
  fillStyle: "solid"

These values are available for fillStyle:

"solid"Solid color.
"gradient" (default)Gradient from source node color to target node color.
"source"Source node color.
"target"Target node color.

Bend point

A bend (or control point) is a position where link's elbows bend forming an "elbow".

By default this happens 20% of either end of the link.

We can control it using link setting: controlPointDistance.

It accepts numeric values between 0 (zero) and 1 (one). The smaller the number the closer the elbow will be to the ends of the link.

  controlPointDistance: 0.4
  controlPointDistance: 0.4

Link sort order

Links on a Sankey diagram are sorted using built-in fuzzy logic.

We can modify the logic using linkSort setting.

It accepts two types of values:

  1. null. Setting it to null will make links appear exactly in the same order as they are set in data.
  2. function. The setting can also accept a reference to a custom function that accepts two parameters with a D3 sankey link objects.

Sorting by data

Setting linkSort to null will make the links appear in exact same order as they are defined in data:

let series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    linkSort: null
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
    sourceIdField: "from",
    targetIdField: "to",
    valueField: "value",
    linkSort: null

Sorting with custom function

linkSort can also accept a reference to a custom sort function.

Similarly to JavaScript's Array.sort(a, b) function, linkSort function will receive two instances of a D3 link objects, and should return -1 if the first link should precede the second, 1 if it's the other way around, or 0 if they are both equal in priority.

let series = root.container.children.push(, {
  sourceIdField: "from",
  targetIdField: "to",
  valueField: "value",
  paddingRight: 50,
  linkSort: function(a, b) {
    if (a.value < b.value) return -1;
    if (a.value > b.value) return 1;
    return 0;
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
  sourceIdField: "from",
  targetIdField: "to",
  valueField: "value",
  paddingRight: 50,
  linkSort: function(a, b) {
    if (a.value > b.value) return -1;
    if (a.value < b.value) return 1;
    return 0;

The above will order all links by their value in descending order.


Sankey diagram will display a label next to its nodes by default.

Configuring labels

Labels in Sankey diagram are attached to nodes, so they can be configured via nodes sub-series, specifically nodes.labels.template:

  fontSize: 20,
  maxWidth: 150,
  oversizedBehavior: "wrap"
  fontSize: 20,
  maxWidth: 150,
  oversizedBehavior: "wrap"

Refer to Label class reference for a full list of available settings.

Label content

To change label content, we only need to set text property of the label template:

  text: "[bold]{name}[/] ({sumOutgoing})"
  text: "[bold]{name}[/] ({sumOutgoing})"

Contents of the label can include data placeholders (codes in curly brackets that will be replaced by actual data) and in-line formatting blocks (formatting instructions enclosed in square brackets).

For available data placeholder fields refer to ISankeyNodesDataItem.

Positioning labels

Labels are positioned to the right (or bottom) of the node by default.

There are a few settings that can be used to control position of the label:

Setting keyComment
xHorizontal position: absolute pixel values or percent relative to node height.
yVertical position: absolute pixel values or percent relative to node height.
centerXHorizontal center of the label: absolute pixel value or percent relative to the width of the label.
centerYVertical center of the label: absolute pixel value or percent relative to the width of the label.
paddingTopTop padding in pixels.
paddingRightRight padding in pixels.
paddingBottomBottom padding in pixels.
paddingLeftLeft padding in pixels.

The below code will put labels inside and up top on the node:

  x: am5.percent(50),
  centerX: am5.percent(50),
  y: am5.percent(0),
  centerY: am5.percent(0),
  paddingLeft: 0,
  paddingRight: 0
  x: am5.percent(50),
  centerX: am5.percent(50),
  y: am5.percent(0),
  centerY: am5.percent(0),
  paddingLeft: 0,
  paddingRight: 0

See the Pen Sankey diagram by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

MORE INFOFor selectively aligning labels, check out "Selectively positioning Sankey diagram labels".

Disabling labels

To disable labels, we can simply set their visible to false:

series.nodes.labels.template.set("visible", false);
series.nodes.labels.template.set("visible", false);


On links

Links will display a tooltip when hovered/touched. The default content is "{sourceId} - {targetId}: {value}" which will show source node ID, followed by target node ID, and link value.

To change it, we can use link's tooltipText setting:

  tooltipText: "From: [bold]{sourceId}[/]\nTo: [bold]{targetId}\nValue: [bold]{value}[/]"
  tooltipText: "From: [bold]{sourceId}[/]\nTo: [bold]{targetId}\nValue: [bold]{value}[/]"

Contents of the tooltip can include data placeholders (codes in curly brackets that will be replaced by actual data) and in-line formatting blocks (formatting instructions enclosed in square brackets).

For available data placeholder fields refer to ISankeyDataItem.

On nodes

To add tooltips to nodes, simple set tooltipText on node template:

  tooltipText: "[bold]{name}[/]\nOutgoing: {sumOutgoing}\nIncoming: {sumIncoming}"
  tooltipText: "[bold]{name}[/]\nOutgoing: {sumOutgoing}\nIncoming: {sumIncoming}"

For available data placeholder fields refer to ISankeyNodesDataItem.

Using template fields

Template fields can also be used to configure various diagram elements, such as node rectangles and link graphics.

series.nodes.rectangles.template.set("templateField", "nodeSettings");
series.links.template.set("templateField", "linkSettings");[
  { id: "A", nodeSettings: { fill: am5.color(0xFF621F), stroke: am5.color(0x000000 } },
  { id: "B", nodeSettings: { fill: am5.color(0x297373), stroke: am5.color(0x000000 } },
  { id: "C", nodeSettings: { fill: am5.color(0xFF621F), stroke: am5.color(0x000000 } },
  { from: "A", to: "B", value: 10, linkSettings: { fill: am5.color(0x297373), fillOpacity: 0.5, fillStyle: "solid" } },
  { from: "B", to: "C", value: 8, linkSettings: { fill: am5.color(0xFF621F), fillOpacity: 0.5, fillStyle: "solid" } }
series.nodes.rectangles.template.set("templateField", "nodeSettings");
series.links.template.set("templateField", "linkSettings");[
  { id: "A", nodeSettings: { fill: am5.color(0xFF621F), stroke: am5.color(0x000000 } },
  { id: "B", nodeSettings: { fill: am5.color(0x297373), stroke: am5.color(0x000000 } },
  { id: "C", nodeSettings: { fill: am5.color(0xFF621F), stroke: am5.color(0x000000 } },
  { from: "A", to: "B", value: 10, linkSettings: { fill: am5.color(0x297373), fillOpacity: 0.5, fillStyle: "solid" } },
  { from: "B", to: "C", value: 8, linkSettings: { fill: am5.color(0xFF621F), fillOpacity: 0.5, fillStyle: "solid" } }

See the Pen amCharts 5: Custom Sankey node colors by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

NOTEFor more information on how template fields work, visit "Template fields" tutorial.

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