Testing amCharts 5 with Cypress

This tutorial looks at how we can use a robust Cypress testing framework for end-to-end testing of amCharts components.

Accessing amCharts objects

amCharts 5 maintains a global variable am5 which in turn has a property registry.

In Cypress we can access it via cy.window() call, then use am5.registry.rootElements to access actual Root elements created on the page.

The following code will grab the first Root and its child chart of the page:

describe("Check Legend", () => {
  it("passes", () => {

    // Wait for window
    cy.window().then((win) => {

      // Grab first chart
      const root = win.am5.registry.rootElements[0];
      const chart = root.container.children.getIndex(0);

      // ...

Throwing errors

We can use standard throw syntax to trigger errors of our custom tests.

Cypress will fail the test on encountering an exception.

describe("Check Legend", () => {
  it("passes", () => {

    // Wait for window
    cy.window().then((win) => {

      // Grab first chart
      const root = win.am5.registry.rootElements[0];
      const chart = root.container.children.getIndex(0);

      // Check the type
      if (chart.className != "XYChart") {
        throw new Error("Wrong chart type");

Testing DOM elements

amCharts 5 is rendered using Canvas, and thus does not have DOM elements for each of its internal objects.

That being said, some of the elements in amCharts 5 are focusable by default, or can be made so by setting focusable: true.

For example, all buttons and legend items are focusable by default.

Focusable elements have actual DOM elements created under main chart container <div> and can be queried using Cypress, or more precisely in a sub-div with a class name of "am5-focus-container".

As an example, the following Cypress query will select the first legend item focus element of a chart contained in a div with "chartdiv" id.

cy.get("#chartdiv .am5-focus-container div[role=checkbox]:first")

Full code

We can combine object and DOM tests.

The following Cypress test will:

  • Go to a demo page on amCharts website.
  • Select the first available chart.
  • Focus its first legend item.
  • Simulate pressing SPACE to toggle related series on.
  • Verify that the target series is indeed hidden via API.
  • Then toggle it back on by another simulated SPACE press.
describe("Check Legend", () => {
  it("passes", () => {
    cy.viewport(1200, 1000);

    // Wait for window
    cy.window().then((win) => {

      // Grab first chart
      const root = win.am5.registry.rootElements[0];
      const chart = root.container.children.getIndex(0);
      const series = chart.series.getIndex(0);

      // Select first legend item focus
      cy.get(root.dom).get(".am5-focus-container div[role=checkbox]:first").focus();

      // Toggle legend item off
      cy.get("body").type(" ");
      // Wait and check if series is actually hidden
      cy.wait(1000).then(() => {
        if (!series.isHidden()) {
          throw new Error("Series was not hidden");

      // Toggle series back on
      cy.get("body").type(" ");

      // Wait and check if series is unhidden
      cy.wait(1000).then(() => {
        if (series.isHidden()) {
          throw new Error("Series was not unhidden");