Export menu

This tutorial looks at configuration options for Exporting plugin menu.


To enable export menu, we need to instantiate an ExportingMenu object and assign it to menu setting of the exporting:

let exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {})
var exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {})


Export menu is placed in upper-right corner of the chart by default.

To change it, we can use menu's align and valign settings to set horizontal and vertical alignment respectively.

let exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    align: "left",
    valign: "bottom"
var exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    align: "left",
    valign: "bottom"

The above will place menu in the lower-left corner.

External container

We can also place the whole menu in an external container.

For that we need to set menu's setting container to a reference to the DOM element, we want to use as a container.

let exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    container: document.getElementById("exportdiv")
var exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    container: document.getElementById("exportdiv")

See the Pen Exporting menu in external container by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.


The exporting menu is built using HTML tags.

Each tag is has a class name attached to it, so it can be targeted via CSS.

The following table lists some of the most common CSS queries that can be used to target menu elements:

CSS queryRefers to
a.am5exporting-iconMenu toggle button.
.am5exporting-listA <ul> element with menu items.
.am5exporting-itemA <li> element of the menu item.
.am5exporting-item aA <a> element of the menu item (child of the <li>)
.am5exporting-menu-openA <div> element with all menu items, when menu is open.
.am5exporting-align-leftA main <div> element when setting align: "left" is set.
.am5exporting-align-rightA main <div> element when setting align: "right" is set (default).
.am5exporting-valign-topA main <div> element when setting valign: "top" is set (default).
.am5exporting-valign-bottomA main <div> element when setting valign: "bottom" is set.

Menu will automatically load a default stylesheets to make the menu usable without any further configuration.

We can override all or some of the default CSS:

.am5exporting-list {
  background: #C2FFE2;

.am5exporting-menu-open a.am5exporting-icon,
.am5exporting-item a:hover {
  background: #85FFC4;

See the Pen Exporting data by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

If we'd rather menu would not load any default CSS, allowing us to configure it from scratch, we can set menu's useDefaultCSS to false:

let exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    useDefaultCSS: false
var exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    useDefaultCSS: false



Normally, when user clicks on menu item, that invokes some export operation, the legend auto-closes.

If we'd rather it remained open until toggle button is clicked again, we can set menu's autoClose setting to false:

let exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    autoClose: false
var exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    autoClose: false

Deactivating underlying chart

Menu will also disable all interactivity on the underlying chart when legend is hovered, so that interactive elements like cursor would not be active.

To disable this functionality, use deactivateRoot setting:

let exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    deactivateRoot: false
var exporting = am5plugins_exporting.Exporting.new(root, {
  menu: am5plugins_exporting.ExportingMenu.new(root, {
    deactivateRoot: false

Customizing menu items

Adding custom items

We can add custom menu items to menu as well, by pushing item objects into items array.

Menu item object must follow IExportingMenuItem interface.

The object should at the very least have type key, with one of the possible values:

  • "format" - export to specific format. If this type is used, format key must also be set ("png", "jpg", "pdf", "xlsx", "csv", "json", "html", "pdfdata", "print").
  • "separator" - a separator line.
  • "custom" - a custom function will be called when clicked. callback must also be set if this type is used.

Additionally, we will probably want to set label property, so that item is labelled:

let menuitems = exporting.get("menu").get("items");

  type: "separator"

  type: "custom",
  label: "Do something",
  callback: function() {
    alert("Did something!")
var menuitems = exporting.get("menu").get("items");

  type: "separator"

  type: "custom",
  label: "Do something",
  callback: function() {
    alert("Did something!")

Completely custom menu

We can build a completely custom menu by overriding items altogether, e.g.:

exporting.get("menu").set("items", [{
  type: "format",
  format: "png",
  label: "Export image"
}, {
  type: "format",
  format: "csv",
  label: "Export CSV"
}, {
  type: "separator"
}, {
  type: "format",
  format: "print",
  label: "Print"
exporting.get("menu").set("items", [{
  type: "format",
  format: "png",
  label: "Export image"
}, {
  type: "format",
  format: "csv",
  label: "Export CSV"
}, {
  type: "separator"
}, {
  type: "format",
  format: "print",
  label: "Print"

See the Pen Exporting data with custom menu by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Menu API

Menu can be opened or closed programmatically using its methods open(), close(), and toggle():
