Data placeholders

Data placeholders are special codes in strings, enclosed in curly brackets, that are replaced with actual data or a value of property/setting of a target element or its ancestor.

Placeholders in labels

Data placeholders are represented by a name enclosed in a curly bracket, e.g. {valueY}.

They can go into any place of the text setting of a Label.

When encountered a placeholder, a label will look for such name in the following order:

  1. Its data item properties (if available).
  2. Its data context (if available).
  3. Its own settings and properties.
  4. Settings and properties of its parent elements.

Here's an example of a data placeholder used in the series tooltip:

let tooltip = series.set("tooltip",, {}));
tooltip.label.set("text", "{name}\n{valueX}: {valueY}");
var tooltip = series.set("tooltip",, {}));
tooltip.label.set("text", "{name}\n{valueX}: {valueY}");

The above is most likely result in:

  • {name} will be replaced with the parent series' name setting.
  • {valueX} will be extracted from elements data item.
  • {valueY} will be extracted from elements data item.

Multi-level placeholders

Placeholders can access any property of the element's object, at any level, by using dot notation in its name, e.g.:

tooltip.label.set("text", "{}");
tooltip.label.set("text", "{}");

The above will look up foo in all of the mentioned places, will check if it's an object, then will look up bar among its properties.

This is useful, when we have custom objects in data, e.g.:

  category: "A1",
  value: 100,
  foo: {
    bar: "Hello"
}, {
  category: "A2",
  value: 200,
  foo: {
    bar: "Hola"

Formatting placeholders

Normally, placeholder will be replaced with a raw value, converted to a string, which might not be the best scenario for numbers or date/time which we might need to format in a certain way.

Setting global formats

We can use global formatters to automatically apply formats to our placeholders.

To make that work, we need to set up formatters for two things:

  • Format to use.
  • Fields to apply format to.
FormatterFormat settingField setting
root.numberFormatternumberFormat (string)numericFields (array of strings)
root.dateFormatterdateFormat (string)dateFields (array of strings)
root.durationFormatterdurationFormat (string)durationFields (array of strings)

Here's an example:

  numberFormat: "#,###.00",
  numericFields: ["valueY"]

  dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd",
  dateFields: ["valueX"]

  baseUnit: "second",
  durationFormat: "mm:ss",
  durationFields: ["valueY"]
  numberFormat: "#,###.00",
  numericFields: ["valueY"]

  dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd",
  dateFields: ["valueX"]

  baseUnit: "second",
  durationFormat: "mm:ss",
  durationFields: ["valueY"]

In-line formatting

We can use in-line formatting functions formatNumber(), formatDate(), and formatDuration() within the placeholder, too.

let tooltip = series.set("tooltip",, {}));
tooltip.label.set("text", "{valueX.formatDate()}: {valueY.formatNumber()}");
var tooltip = series.set("tooltip",, {}));
tooltip.label.set("text", "{valueX.formatDate()}: {valueY.formatNumber()}");

This negates the need to use numericFields or dateFields as placeholder now carries specific instruction which formatter to use on its value.

Using in-line functions, we can also specify the format:

let tooltip = series.set("tooltip",, {}));
tooltip.label.set("text", "{valueX.formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd')}: {valueY.formatNumber('#.000')}");
var tooltip = series.set("tooltip",, {}));
tooltip.label.set("text", "{valueX.formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd')}: {valueY.formatNumber('#.000')}");

This will make formatter use specific format, regardless of the global setting.