
This tutorial looks at how we can add shadows to graphic elements.


Shadows can be enabled on any Graphics, Picture, and Label elements.

To do that, we need to set shadow-related settings:

Setting keyComment
shadowColorShadow color.
shadowBlurBlurriness of the shadow.
The bigger the number, the blurrier and wider shadow will be.
0 will mean completely sharp shadow, ideally replicating lines of the target element.
shadowOffsetXHorizontal offset in pixels. Can accept negative number to move it left.
shadowOffsetYVertical offset in pixels. Can accept negative number to move it up.
shadowOpacityOpacity of the shadow. If not set, will use elements fillOpacity.

For shadow to work shadowColor and at least one of the shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX, and/or shadowOffsetY needs to be set.


Standalone objects

The following will add shadow to the chart's plot container using its background element:

  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 4,
  shadowOffsetY: 4
  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 4,
  shadowOffsetY: 4

Column series

  strokeOpacity: 0,
  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 4,
  shadowOffsetY: 4
  strokeOpacity: 0,
  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 4,
  shadowOffsetY: 4

See the Pen Column series with shadows by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Line series and bullets

  strokeWidth: 2,
  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 10,
  shadowOffsetY: 10,
  shadowOpacity: 0.5

series.bullets.push(function() {
  return, {
    sprite:, {
      radius: 5,
      fill: series.get("fill"),
      shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
      shadowBlur: 10,
      shadowOffsetX: 10,
      shadowOffsetY: 10,
      shadowOpacity: 0.3
  strokeWidth: 2,
  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 10,
  shadowOffsetY: 10,
  shadowOpacity: 0.5

series.bullets.push(function() {
  return, {
    sprite:, {
      radius: 5,
      fill: series.get("fill"),
      shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
      shadowBlur: 10,
      shadowOffsetX: 10,
      shadowOffsetY: 10,
      shadowOpacity: 0.3

See the Pen Smoothed line series by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.


We can enable shadows on tooltips using specific tooltip's settings:

  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 4,
  shadowOffsetY: 4
  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 4,
  shadowOffsetY: 4

Or, we can use default theme to apply tooltip to all tooltips:

// Add shadow to all tooltips...
root.defaultTheme.rule("PointedRectangle", ["tooltip", "background"]).setAll({
  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 4,
  shadowOffsetY: 4

// ... except axis
root.defaultTheme.rule("PointedRectangle", ["tooltip", "background", "axis"]).setAll({
  shadowColor: null
// Add shadow to all tooltips...
root.defaultTheme.rule("PointedRectangle", ["tooltip", "background"]).setAll({
  shadowColor: am5.color(0x000000),
  shadowBlur: 10,
  shadowOffsetX: 4,
  shadowOffsetY: 4

// ... except axis
root.defaultTheme.rule("PointedRectangle", ["tooltip", "background", "axis"]).setAll({
  shadowColor: null

See the Pen amCharts 5: Consolidated tooltip by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.