
This tutorial will look at how to configure treemap series.


Layout algorithm

Treemap can use different ways to layout algorithms.

It's controlled by the setting layoutAlgorithm:

let series = root.container.children.push(, {
    valueField: "value",
    categoryField: "name",
    childDataField: "children",
    layoutAlgorithm: "sliceDice"
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
    valueField: "value",
    categoryField: "name",
    childDataField: "children",
    layoutAlgorithm: "sliceDice"

Available settings are as follows:

Setting valueExample


By default, the rectangles of the nodes are plotted without any gaps between them.

We do have a few settings at our disposal that we can use to control the gaps. All accept numeric value in pixels.

nodePaddingInnerGap between nodes.
nodePaddingOuterGap between nodes and outer edge of the chart.
nodePaddingTopGap between nodes and top edge. Will be ignored if nodePaddingOuter is set.
nodePaddingBottomGap between nodes and bottomedge. Will be ignored if nodePaddingOuter is set.
nodePaddingLeftGap between nodes and left edge. Will be ignored if nodePaddingOuter is set.
nodePaddingRightGap between nodes and bottom edge. Will be ignored if nodePaddingOuter is set.
let series = root.container.children.push(, {
    valueField: "value",
    categoryField: "name",
    childDataField: "children",
    nodePaddingOuter: 20,
    nodePaddingInner: 10
var series = root.container.children.push(, {
    valueField: "value",
    categoryField: "name",
    childDataField: "children",
    nodePaddingOuter: 20,
    nodePaddingInner: 10

Node appearance

The appearance of node rectangles can be configured using their template, accessible on series property: rectangles.template.

The template can have contain any RoundedRectangle setting.

  fillOpacity: 0.7,
  cornerRadiusTL: 4,
  cornerRadiusTR: 4,
  cornerRadiusBL: 4,
  cornerRadiusBR: 4
  fillOpacity: 0.7,
  cornerRadiusTL: 4,
  cornerRadiusTR: 4,
  cornerRadiusBL: 4,
  cornerRadiusBR: 4

Hover behavior

We can set setting values to apply to a rectangle when it is hovered by creating a "hover" state for it.

series.rectangles.template.states.create("hover", {
  fill: am5.color(0x677935),
  fillOpacity: 1
series.rectangles.template.states.create("hover", {
  fill: am5.color(0x677935),
  fillOpacity: 1


Configuring labels

Series label configuration is done via its template, accessible via series property labels.template.

  fontSize: 20,
  fill: am5.color(0x550000),
  text: "{category}"
  fontSize: 20,
  fill: am5.color(0x550000),
  text: "{category}"

Partition series uses Label for its labels. Check out its class reference for all the possible settings.

Label content

Node labels are pre-set to display name of the category and its percent value.

We can modify contents of the tooltips using text setting on a series label template:

  text: "{category}: [bold]{sum}[/]",
  fontSize: 14
  text: "{category}: [bold]{sum}[/]",
  fontSize: 14

Contents of the tooltip can include data placeholders (codes in curly brackets that will be replaced by actual data) and in-line formatting blocks (formatting instructions enclosed in square brackets).

Disabling labels

To disable series labels, we can set forceHidden setting to true in their template:

series.labels.template.set("forceHidden", true);
series.labels.template.set("forceHidden", true);


Rectangles series are pre-set to display a tooltip on hover containing name of the category and its value.

We can modify contents of the tooltips using tooltipText on node's template:

series.nodes.template.set("tooltipText", "{category}: [bold]{sum}[/]");
series.nodes.template.set("tooltipText", "{category}: [bold]{sum}[/]");

Contents of the tooltip can include data placeholders (codes in curly brackets that will be replaced by actual data) and in-line formatting blocks (formatting instructions enclosed in square brackets).


See the Pen Partition chart by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

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