amCharts 5 using HTML as content for its Container
elements. This tutorial will show various ways this can be used.
Common elements
To make a container (or any other element that extends Container
) display HTML content, simply use its html
The below code adds an HTML-enabled title to the chart:
chart.children.unshift(, { html: "<h2>Chart title</h2><h4>And a smaller sub-title</h4>", x: am5.percent(50), centerX: am5.percent(50), paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 }));
chart.children.unshift(, { html: "<h2>Chart title</h2><h4>And a smaller sub-title</h4>", x: am5.percent(50), centerX: am5.percent(50), paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 }));
See the Pen Chart with title and sub-title by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.
Tooltip contents
There are couple of ways to set HTML content for tooltips:
- Via
setting of an element. - Via
setting of aTooltip
If we'd like some HTML content to be shown in a tooltip when hovered over an element, e.g. a column, we can use its tooltipHTML
series.columns.template.setAll({ tooltipHTML: "<strong>{categoryX}</strong>: {valueY}" });
series.columns.template.setAll({ tooltipHTML: "<strong>{categoryX}</strong>: {valueY}" });
See the Pen HTML tooltips by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.
If we do have a Tooltip
instance, e.g. on a series, we can use its labelHTML
setting instead:
let series = chart.series.push(, { xAxis: xAxis, yAxis: yAxis, valueYField: "value", sequencedInterpolation: true, categoryXField: "country", tooltip:, { labelHTML: "<strong>{categoryX}</strong>: {valueY}" }) }));
var series = chart.series.push(, { xAxis: xAxis, yAxis: yAxis, valueYField: "value", sequencedInterpolation: true, categoryXField: "country", tooltip:, { labelHTML: "<strong>{categoryX}</strong>: {valueY}" }) }));
See the Pen HTML tooltips by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.
Interactive elements
If you have interactive elements in tooltip, like buttons or links, you will need to explicitly enable tooltip interactivity by setting interactive: true
on its label.
It's also recommended to use keepTargetHover: true
on the tooltip, so that tooltip does not go away until the pointer goes outside its area.
let series = chart.series.push(, { xAxis: xAxis, yAxis: yAxis, valueYField: "value", sequencedInterpolation: true, categoryXField: "country", tooltip:, { labelHTML: "<strong>{categoryX}</strong>: {valueY}", keepTargetHover: true }) })); series.get("tooltip").label.set("interactive", true);
var series = chart.series.push(, { xAxis: xAxis, yAxis: yAxis, valueYField: "value", sequencedInterpolation: true, categoryXField: "country", tooltip:, { labelHTML: "<strong>{categoryX}</strong>: {valueY}", keepTargetHover: true }) })); series.get("tooltip").label.set("interactive", true);
Axis labels
We will need to use an adapter to dynamically override content for an axis label:
xAxis.get("renderer").labels.template.adapters.add("html", function(html, target) { return "<div style=\"text-align: center; font-weight: bold;\">{value.formatDate('d MMM')}</div><div style=\"text-align: center;\">{value.formatDate('EEE')}</div>"; });
xAxis.get("renderer").labels.template.adapters.add("html", function(html, target) { return "<div style=\"text-align: center; font-weight: bold;\">{value.formatDate('d MMM')}</div><div style=\"text-align: center;\">{value.formatDate('EEE')}</div>"; });
See the Pen HTML labels on a DateAxis by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.
HTML content will not be included when exporting chart snapshot to images or PDF.
Layer order
HTML content does not follow regular "z-index" order in regards to other elements - it will always be in front.
Tooltips on HTML elements
There's currently no way to set rollover tooltip to be displayed on HTML-enabled elements, e.g. via tooltipText
All images included in HTML content need to be sized via either width
and height
attributes, or CSS.
If un-sized images are used, the element will not be sized properly, which will be especially prominent if used in tooltips.
// Incorrect! label.set("html", "<img src=\"flag.png\">"); // Correct label.set("html", "<img src=\"flag.png\" width=\"32\" width=\"32\">"); // Also correct label.set("html", "<img src=\"flag.png\" style=\"width: 32px; height: 32px\">");
// Incorrect! label.set("html", "<img src=\"flag.png\">"); // Correct label.set("html", "<img src=\"flag.png\" width=\"32\" width=\"32\">"); // Also correct label.set("html", "<img src=\"flag.png\" style=\"width: 32px; height: 32px\">");