Indicator control

Indicator control allows selecting and adding automatic technical indicators to the chart.

Main series

Most of the indicators will require stock chart to have its main series set. Some will need volume series to be set, too.

Value series

Indicators do not have their data set, but rather derive it from the "main series". It's the series, that will feed values to all indicators.

It can be any series, but it needs to have its highValueYField, lowValueYField, and closeValueYField set in addition to valueYField.

It also need to be assigned to chart's stockSeries:

let valueSeries = mainPanel.series.push(, {
  name: "MSFT",
  valueXField: "Date",
  valueYField: "Close",
  highValueYField: "High",
  lowValueYField: "Low",
  openValueYField: "Open",
  calculateAggregates: true,
  xAxis: dateAxis,
  yAxis: valueAxis,
  legendValueText: "{valueY}"

stockChart.set("stockSeries", valueSeries);
var valueSeries = mainPanel.series.push(, {
  name: "MSFT",
  valueXField: "Date",
  valueYField: "Close",
  highValueYField: "High",
  lowValueYField: "Low",
  openValueYField: "Open",
  calculateAggregates: true,
  xAxis: dateAxis,
  yAxis: valueAxis,
  legendValueText: "{valueY}"

stockChart.set("stockSeries", valueSeries);

Volume series

Some indicators will require "main volume series" to grab values from.

Contrary to value series, it only needs valueYField set.

We assign it to chart's volumeSeries:

stockChart.set("volumeSeries", volumeSeries);
stockChart.set("volumeSeries", volumeSeries);

If we don't actually need it displayed, we can hide it using forceHidden: true setting:

let volumeValueAxis = mainPanel.yAxes.push(, {
  forceHidden: true,
  renderer:, {})

volumeValueAxis.get("renderer").grid.template.set("forceHidden", true);
volumeValueAxis.get("renderer").labels.template.set("forceHidden", true);

let volumeSeries = mainPanel.series.push(, {
  valueXField: "Date",
  valueYField: "Volume",
  xAxis: dateAxis,
  yAxis: volumeValueAxis,
  forceHidden: true

stockChart.set("volumeSeries", volumeSeries);
var volumeValueAxis = mainPanel.yAxes.push(, {
  forceHidden: true,
  renderer:, {})

volumeValueAxis.get("renderer").grid.template.set("forceHidden", true);
volumeValueAxis.get("renderer").labels.template.set("forceHidden", true);

var volumeSeries = mainPanel.series.push(, {
  valueXField: "Date",
  valueYField: "Volume",
  xAxis: dateAxis,
  yAxis: volumeValueAxis,
  forceHidden: true

stockChart.set("volumeSeries", volumeSeries);


Like any other control, it should be instantiated using new() syntax, and pushed into toolbar's controls list:

let toolbar =, {
  container: document.getElementById("chartcontrols"),
  stockChart: stockChart,
  controls: [, {
      stockChart: stockChart
var toolbar =, {
  container: document.getElementById("chartcontrols"),
  stockChart: stockChart,
  controls: [, {
      stockChart: stockChart

See the Pen Stock chart controls by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.


Indicator list

You can use Indicator control's indicators setting to control which indicators and in what order they appear:

let toolbar =, {
  container: document.getElementById("chartcontrols"),
  stockChart: stockChart,
  controls: [, {
      stockChart: stockChart,
      indicators: ["Bollinger Bands", "Moving Average", "ZigZag"]
var toolbar =, {
  container: document.getElementById("chartcontrols"),
  stockChart: stockChart,
  controls: [, {
      stockChart: stockChart,
      indicators: ["Bollinger Bands", "Moving Average", "ZigZag"]

Custom indicators

Please refer to "Creating custom indicators for a Stock Chart" tutorial for the information.