
Animated theme

The easiest way to enable all kinds of polished animations on charts is to use "Animated" theme.

Like all themes it needs to be loaded first:

import am5themes_Animated from "@amcharts/amcharts5/themes/Animated";
<script src="//"></script>

Then applied to the root element:


For more information about themes, refer to our "Themes" tutorial.

Animating settings

A value of a setting of an element or a data item can be animated using its animate() method.

This applies to settings that use quantifiable values, like numbers, colors, or percent.

animate() method takes one parameter - an object that implements AnimationOptions interface:

durationAnimation duration in milliseconds.
easingAn easing function to use.
fromStarting value. Will use current value if not set.
keySetting key to animate values for.
loopsNumber of times to play animation. Will play only once if not set, or will loop forever if set to Infinity.
toEnd value to animate to.

As an example let's create a repeating animation of a startAngle setting of a pie series:

  key: "startAngle",
  to: 180,
  loops: Infinity,
  duration: 2000,
  easing: am5.ease.yoyo(am5.ease.cubic)
  key: "startAngle",
  to: 180,
  loops: Infinity,
  duration: 2000,
  easing: am5.ease.yoyo(am5.ease.cubic)

We have used am5.ease.yoyo easing function which animates setting to target value, then returns back to original one.

Read more about it in "Easing functions" section.

See the Pen Animating pie chart by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

It works exactly the same for data item settings:

  key: "value",
  to: 20,
  duration: 800,
  easing: am5.ease.out(am5.ease.cubic)
  key: "value",
  to: 20,
  duration: 800,
  easing: am5.ease.out(am5.ease.cubic)

See the Pen Gauge chart with hand by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Animating between states

When element state is applied, its values will replace current setting values.

Normally, element would go directly to new setting values.

However, if we enable animated theme, or if we set required settings, the quantifiable values (numbers, colors, percent) will animate to new values.

These animations are controlled by two settings:

  • stateAnimationDuration - duration of animation in seconds (default: 0, or 600 if animated theme is enabled).
  • stateAnimationEasing - an easing function for animation (default: am5.ease.out($ease.cubic)).

We can use these two settings to control how long transition of setting values takes, as well as what process easing function it uses:

  interactive: true,
  stateAnimationDuration: 2000,
  stateAnimationEasing: am5.ease.out(am5.ease.cubic)
  interactive: true,
  stateAnimationDuration: 2000,
  stateAnimationEasing: am5.ease.out(am5.ease.cubic)

The following demo adds a custom state ("off") which is applied to the column when it's clicked.

The state application animation will use stateAnimationDuration and stateAnimationEasing settings.

See the Pen Updating series values by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Animating data values

Updating data values is done via setIndex() method of series data, as per "Data" tutorial:, {
  category: "Marketing",
  value: 1000
});, {
  category: "Marketing",
  value: 1000

Once called, series will animate its data item (e.g. column) to new value.

The speed and style of such animation is controlled using two settings:

  • interpolationDuration - duration of animation in seconds (default: 0, or 600 if animated theme is enabled).
  • interpolationEasing - an easing function for animation (default: am5.ease.out($ease.cubic)).

Using these two settings, we can control how long animation to new value takes, and how it progresses:

var series = chart.series.push(, { 
    name: "Series", 
    xAxis: xAxis, 
    yAxis: yAxis, 
    valueYField: "value", 
    categoryXField: "category",
    interpolationDuration: 2000,
    interpolationEasing: am5.ease.inOut(am5.ease.elastic)
var series = chart.series.push(, { 
    name: "Series", 
    xAxis: xAxis, 
    yAxis: yAxis, 
    valueYField: "value", 
    categoryXField: "category",
    interpolationDuration: 2000,
    interpolationEasing: am5.ease.inOut(am5.ease.elastic)

See the Pen Stacked column chart by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Forcing appearance animation

Triggering appearance

Normally, elements that are not hidden would be shown on in chart immediately.

We can force it to "appear" using their appear() method.

The actual "appearance" animation may take multiple forms, but most commonly it will make element fade in.

Calling appear() method does two things:

  1. Hides the element and applies hidden state.
  2. Unhides the elements and animates to default state.

It can be used on any element from simple button to series to a whole chart:


Timing appearance

When called without parameters, appearance will take place immediately, and will take number of milliseconds specified in theme (most commonly enabled by using Animated theme).

We can control that using two parameters to appear():

  1. Duration in milliseconds.
  2. Delay in milliseconds.
chart.appear(2000, 500);
chart.appear(2000, 500);

The above will make chart fade-in animation take 2 seconds, and will be delayed by half a second.

Animation of series

Initial animation

Created series will appear on chart right away. Should we want to make it play out initial animation, we can call it's appear() method right after creating its object:

let series = chart.series.push(, {
    name: "Series",
    xAxis: xAxis,
    yAxis: yAxis,
    valueYField: "value",
    valueXField: "date"
var series = chart.series.push(, {
    name: "Series",
    xAxis: xAxis,
    yAxis: yAxis,
    valueYField: "value",
    valueXField: "date"

Sequenced animations

When series animation is playing, all of its data items will be animating into place at the same time.

We can make them appear in sequence, one by one, by setting sequencedInterpolation to true.

We can also control the delay by which each subsequent data item starts animating by sequencedDelay setting, which indicates number of milliseconds.

let series = chart.series.push(, {
    name: "Series",
    xAxis: xAxis,
    yAxis: yAxis,
    valueYField: "value",
    valueXField: "date",
    sequencedInterpolation: true,
    sequencedDelay: 100
var series = chart.series.push(, {
    name: "Series",
    xAxis: xAxis,
    yAxis: yAxis,
    valueYField: "value",
    valueXField: "date",
    sequencedInterpolation: true,
    sequencedDelay: 100

Easing functions

Basic easing functions

Easing functions are used by animations to control the effect of progress of the animation.

Different easing functions create different feeling, e.g. "out" function will gradually slow down animation at the end, creating effect of the "braking".

  key: "startAngle",
  to: 180,
  loops: Infinity,
  duration: 2000,
  easing: am5.ease.elastic
  key: "startAngle",
  to: 180,
  loops: Infinity,
  duration: 2000,
  easing: am5.ease.elastic

There is a number of easing functions:

am5.ease.bounceWill "bounce" at the end.
am5.ease.elasticWill overshoot end value, then bounce back a few times before settling down at the end.
am5.ease.linearConstant speed during all duration.

Below demo shows the behavior of various basic easing functions:

See the Pen Easing functions by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Modifier functions

Besides basic easing functions, amCharts 5 comes with several "modifier" functions.

These functions take basic easing function as a parameter and modifies their output in some way.

  key: "startAngle",
  to: 180,
  loops: Infinity,
  duration: 2000,
  easing: am5.ease.yoyo(am5.ease.cubic)
  key: "startAngle",
  to: 180,
  loops: Infinity,
  duration: 2000,
  easing: am5.ease.yoyo(am5.ease.cubic)
am5.ease.inOutThe basic easing function is applied when starting and ending animation.
am5.ease.outThe basic easing function is applied at the end animation.
am5.ease.yoyoPlays animation to the end value, then returns back to the starting value, using supplied basic function.

See the Pen Easing functions by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.