A duration axis is used to plot numeric values that signify time duration rather than absolute values. In an essence a duration axis is basically a value axis with differently formatted labels and grid arranged in different increments.
Base unit
The values that need to be plotted as durations are represented as numbers.
Axis needs to know what they mean.
For example, if we have a value 60, does that mean 60 seconds, minutes, or maybe years?
That's where baseUnit
setting comes in. We can set it to "millisecond"
, "second"
, "minute"
, "hour"
, "day"
, "week"
, "month"
, or "year"
to indicate what time units our values use.
let yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(am5xy.DurationAxis.new(root, { baseUnit:"hour", renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {}) }));
var yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(am5xy.DurationAxis.new(root, { baseUnit:"hour", renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, {}) }));
The above will mean that numeric values should be treated as hours, e.g. a value of 60 will mean 60 hours.
If baseUnit
is not set for axis, it will use a baseUnit
set on a global duration formatter.
Label format
Duration axis will follow formatting rules set in a global duration formatter.
If durationFormat
is set on a global formatter, it will be used for all labels. E.g.:
root.numberFormatter.set("durationFormat", "mm:ss");
root.numberFormatter.set("durationFormat", "mm:ss");
If it's not set, the axis will choose a specific duration format which is suitable for specific base unit and scope of the values of the axis.
For more information, refer to "Formatting durations: Default format".
See the Pen Untitled by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.