This tutorial will look at various API functions that can be used with a MapChart.

Converting between screen and geographical coordinates

A map chart has two methods that can be used to convert screen coordinates to longitude/latitude and back:

  • invert() - converts screen coordinates to latitude/longitude.
  • convert() - converts latitude/longitude to screen coordinates.

The following code will capture click on a map chart and use point (which holds screen coordinates) to retrieve latitude/longitude of the click place."click", function(ev) {
});"click", function(ev) {

Similarly, if we need to convert geographical coordinates to an X/Y coordinate within the map chart area, we can use convert() method:

console.log("NYC", chart.convert({
  latitude: 40.712776,
  longitude: -74.005974
console.log("NYC", chart.convert({
  latitude: 40.712776,
  longitude: -74.005974

See the Pen Retrieving lat/long coordinates of a map click by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Getting object by ID

While there's no dedicated methods to get map series object by its id, we can use generic series getDataItemById() method, and in turn extract actual target element from it.

The following code will grab a polygon by id from the MapPolygonSeries:

let dataItem = polygonSeries.getDataItemById("FR");
let polygon = countryDataItem.get("mapPolygon");
var dataItem = polygonSeries.getDataItemById("FR");
var polygon = countryDataItem.get("mapPolygon");