Radar series

While radar series resemble their equivalents in XY chart in how they are configured, there are some differences. This tutorial will address those.

Connecting ends

Line-based series like RadarLineSeries and SmoothedRadarLineSeries will automatically connect their first and last data points to complete the circle.

We can disable this behavior using series' connectEnds setting:

let series = chart.series.push( 
  am5radar.RadarLineSeries.new(root, { 
    xAxis: xAxis, 
    yAxis: yAxis, 
    valueYField: "value",
    valueXField: "date",
    connectEnds: false
var series = chart.series.push( 
  am5radar.RadarLineSeries.new(root, { 
    xAxis: xAxis, 
    yAxis: yAxis, 
    valueYField: "value",
    valueXField: "date",
    connectEnds: false

See the Pen Disabling radar line series end connection by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.