Serializing / JSON config

amCharts 5 charts or individual objects can be serialized into and parsed back from simple JavaScript objects or JSON-compatible strings. This tutorial explains how those features can be used.


Serialization features have been introduced in version 5.3.0. This is the earliest version we will need in order to serialize and/or parse configs.


At this time, serialization and parsing of chart/object configs is limited to just their properties and settings.

Supported features:

  • Object type (e.g. "XYChart")
  • Properties
  • Settings

Unsupported features:

  • Events
  • Adapters
  • Data processors
  • Axis ranges


The serialization and parsing functionality is part of the JSON plugin, which needs to be loaded.

You can import those in your TypeScript / ES6 application as JavaScript modules:

import * as am5plugins_json from "@amcharts/amcharts5/plugins/json";

For vanilla JavaScript applications and web pages, you can use "script" version:

<script src=""></script>

MORE INFOFor more information on installing amCharts 5 as well as loading modules refer to our "Getting started" tutorial.

Object structure

Generic structure

The goal of the serialized chart config is to have a simple JavaScript object structure, which can be stored in a text format.

Any amCharts object can be serialized into such simple format.

A resulting object must at least contain type key, which should have object's class name as a value, e.g.:

  type: "XYChart"


To pass in object's settings, we need to use settings key, which is an object, where key is a setting key, while value is a setting value.

Let's add some settings to the config above:

  type: "XYChart",
  settings: {
    panX: false,
    panY: false,
    wheelX: "panX",
    wheelY: "zoomX"


A layout setting is special in that it allows special string based values, that will be replaced when config is parsed:

Config valueReplaced with
  type: "XYChart",
  settings: {
    panX: false,
    panY: false,
    wheelX: "panX",
    wheelY: "zoomX",
    layout: "vertical"


Objects, can contain other serialized objects as their settings or properties.

The following adds a scrollbar:

  type: "XYChart",
  settings: {
    panX: false,
    panY: false,
    wheelX: "panX",
    wheelY: "zoomX",
    scrollbarX: {
      type: "Scrollbar",
      settings: {
        orientation: "horizontal"


Similarly, we can set object properties, using an object in properties key:

  type: "XYChart",
  settings: {
    panX: false,
    panY: false,
    wheelX: "panX",
    wheelY: "zoomX",
    scrollbarX: {
      type: "Scrollbar",
      settings: {
        orientation: "horizontal"
  properties: {
    series: [
        type: "LineSeries",
        // ...


JSON plugin parser also supports Template and ListTemplate type elements.

The following sets settings for axis' grid:

  type: "XYChart",
  // ...
  refs: {
    data: [
      // ...
    xAxis: {
      // ...
    yAxis: {
      type: "ValueAxis",
      settings: {
        maxDeviation: 1,
        renderer: {
          type: "AxisRendererY",
          settings: {
            pan: "zoom"
          properties: {
            grid: {
              properties: {
                template: {
                  settings: {
                    forceHidden: true
  // ...


Colors in JSON configs can be defined like any other object:

  type: "Color",
  value: 0xff0000


Same goes for gradients:

  type: "LinearGradient",
  settings: {
    stops: [{
      color: am5.color(0xFF621F)
    }, {
      color: am5.color(0x946B49)
    rotation: 0

Percent values

Percent objects in JSON configs can be defined like any other object:

  type: "Percent",
  value: 50


Referenced objects

If an object needs to be referred to somewhere else in config (e.g. an axis needs to be referred in a config of series), it needs to go into config object's refs section.

refs is an object where key is object's identifier, and the value is a serialized object.

Such "referenced" object can be referred to by its identifier prefixed with a hash tag.

Let's add X and Y axes, as well as data to the refs section, so that we can finish configuring our series and the chart itself:

  type: "XYChart",
  refs: {
    data: [
      { date: 1652425200000, value: 92 },
      { date: 1652511600000, value: 95 },
      { date: 1652598000000, value: 100 },
      { date: 1652684400000, value: 100 },
      { date: 1652770800000, value: 96 },
      { date: 1652857200000, value: 97 },
      { date: 1652943600000, value: 94 },
      { date: 1653030000000, value: 89 },
      { date: 1653116400000, value: 89 },
      { date: 1653202800000, value: 87 },
      { date: 1653289200000, value: 84 },
      { date: 1653375600000, value: 81 },
      { date: 1653462000000, value: 85 },
      { date: 1653548400000, value: 89 },
      { date: 1653634800000, value: 86 },
      { date: 1653721200000, value: 90 },
      { date: 1653807600000, value: 93 },
      { date: 1653894000000, value: 94 },
      { date: 1653980400000, value: 94 },
      { date: 1654066800000, value: 96 }
    xAxis: {
      type: "DateAxis",
      settings: {
        baseInterval: {
          timeUnit: "day",
          count: 1
        renderer: {
          type: "AxisRendererX"
    yAxis: {
      type: "ValueAxis",
      settings: {
        renderer: {
          type: "AxisRendererY"
  settings: {
    panX: false,
    panY: false,
    wheelX: "panX",
    wheelY: "zoomX",
    scrollbarX: {
      type: "Scrollbar",
      settings: {
        orientation: "horizontal"
  properties: {
    xAxes: [
    yAxes: [
    series: [
        type: "LineSeries",
        settings: {
          name: "Series",
          xAxis: "#xAxis",
          yAxis: "#yAxis",
          valueYField: "value",
          valueXField: "date",
          tooltip: {
            type: "Tooltip",
            settings: {
              labelText: "{valueX}: {valueY}"
        properties: {
          data: "#data"

Grouping referenced objects

Normally, referenced objects cannot refer to one another.

If we need that functionality, we can assign them to groups.

To do that, instead of assigning one object to refs we assign an array of objects.

The items in the array will be processed one by one, so that references from the first item, are ensured to be fully processed when the next one starts processing.

This way, a value can reference to any object from previous items.

  type: "XYChart",
  refs: [{
    data: [
      // ...
    xAxis: {
      // ...
    yAxis: {
      // ...
  }, {
    series: [{
      type: "LineSeries",
      settings: {
        xAxis: "#xAxis",
        yAxis: "#yAxis",
        // ...
      properties: {
        data: "#data"
  settings: {
    panX: false,
    panY: false,
    wheelX: "panX",
    wheelY: "zoomX",
    scrollbarX: {
      type: "Scrollbar",
      settings: {
        orientation: "horizontal"
  properties: {
    xAxes: [
    yAxes: [
    series: "#series"

Accessing referenced object's properties and settings

It's possible to access any property of a referenced object using dot notation, e.g.:

  type: "Label",
  settings: {
    text: ""

To access object's setting, use get() syntax:

  type: "Label",
  settings: {
    text: "#series.get('name')"

Child elements

If we want to push some elements in to children of the chart (or any other element for that matter), we will need to use children key in the serialized object.

Optional index key can be used to specify specific place to insert child at, with 0 (zero) being the first child.

Omitting index would push the element as the last child of a target container.

  type: "XYChart",
  // ...
  children: [{
    index: 0,
    type: "Label",
    settings: {
      text: "This will go at the top of the chart"
  }, {
    type: "Label",
    settings: {
      text: "And this one will be shown at the bottom"


This section will present a few examples of series' configuration.

Strokes and fills

  type: "LineSeries",
  // ...
  properties: {
    data: "#data",
    strokes: {
      properties: {
        template: {
          settings: {
            strokeWidth: 2,
            strokeDasharray: [3]
    fills: {
      properties: {
        template: {
          settings: {
            fillOpacity: 0.5,
            fillGradient: {
              type: "LinearGradient",
              settings: {
                stops: [{
                  opacity: 1
                }, {
                  opacity: 0.5
                rotation: 0


Series' bullets have special support in amCharts' JSON implementation, and can be used in a regular structure.

It will be automatically converted to a bullet function by JSON parser.

series: [{
  type: "LineSeries",
  settings: {
    // ...
  properties: {
    data: "#data",
    bullets: [{
      type: "Bullet",
      settings: {
        sprite: {
          type: "Circle",
          settings: {
            radius: 5,
            fill: {
              type: "Color",
              value: 0xff0000

The above will create Circle bullets on a LineSeries.

Items within bullet's scope can also refer to series, and pull its properties or settings, by using @series reference.

The following will apply the same fill color to the bullet circle as a series itself:

series: [{
  type: "LineSeries",
  settings: {
    // ...
  properties: {
    data: "#data",
    bullets: [{
      type: "Bullet",
      settings: {
        sprite: {
          type: "Circle",
          settings: {
            radius: 5,
            fill: "@series.get('fill')"


To parse serialized configs, we'll need:

  • Crate a Root object.
  • Create a JsonParser object.
  • Use JsonParser method parse() to create the actual chart object.
const parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
var parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...

Post-parse handler

The parse() method is asynchronous and returns a Promise.

This means that when it returns, the actual chart object is not yet ready.

We either need to use await or then() if we need a reference to a finished chart object, push it to root element's children and do any other post-processing if needed

const parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
}).then(function(chart) {
  // Chart is ready
  chart.appear(1000, 100);
var parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
}).then(function(chart) {
  // Chart is ready
  chart.appear(1000, 100);

We can also automate pushing of a parsed object to some parent container, including root.container via parse options object (second parameter in the parse() method call):

const parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
}, {
  parent: root.container
}).then(function(chart) {
  // Chart is ready
  chart.appear(1000, 100);
var parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
}, {
  parent: root.container
}).then(function(chart) {
  // Chart is ready
  chart.appear(1000, 100);

Adding events

The then() callback will kick in when the chart and related objects are created, which means that we can use it to add events to chart's elements.

The following code shows how we can add click handlers to Pie chart's slices:

const parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
}, {
  parent: root.container
}).then(function(chart) {
  // Chart is ready
  // Add click handlers on slices
  var series = chart.series.getIndex(0);
  series.slices.each(function(slice) {"click", handleClick);

function handleClick(ev) {
var parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
}, {
  parent: root.container
}).then(function(chart) {
  // Chart is ready
  // Add click handlers on slices
  var series = chart.series.getIndex(0);
  series.slices.each(function(slice) {"click", handleClick);

function handleClick(ev) {

On an XY chart, bullets are created asynchronously, which means they are not still available when then() kicks in. We'll take a different approach to add click on its bullets:

const parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
}, {
  parent: root.container
}).then(function(chart) {
  // Chart is ready
  // Add click handlers on bullets
  var series = chart.series.getIndex(0)"push", function(ev) {"click", handleClick);

function handleClick(ev) {
  console.log(new Date("valueX")));
var parser =;
  // Chart config
  // ...
}, {
  parent: root.container
}).then(function(chart) {
  // Chart is ready
  // Add click handlers on bullets
  var series = chart.series.getIndex(0)"push", function(ev) {"click", handleClick);

function handleClick(ev) {
  console.log(new Date("valueX")));


Pardon the mess. We're still working on this section.


XY chart

See the Pen Chart from JSON config by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Pie chart

See the Pen PieChart from JSON config by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Fill/stroke settings

See the Pen LineSeries stroke/fill settings via JSON config by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

XY chart with legend and bullets

See the Pen LineSeries stroke/fill settings via JSON config by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.