
Adapters are custom functions that can be used to dynamically alter value of an element's setting.


And adapter can be added directly to an object or to template using its adapters.add() method.

This method requires two parameters:

  • Key of the setting the adapter will be used to modify value for.
  • Function that will be run every time setting value is requested, which can modify the value.

The following code can be used to modify fill color of the column series columns based on their value:

series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
  if (target.dataItem.get("valueY") < 1000) {
    return am5.color(0xff621f);
  else {
    return fill;
series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
  if (target.dataItem.get("valueY") < 1000) {
    return am5.color(0xff621f);
  else {
    return fill;

The above means that before column is drawn, its default fill color will be ran through our custom function. It will check related data item value and if it's less than 1000, it will use reddish color instead of default series color.

See the Pen Styling ColumnSeries by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.


There are two ways to remove an adapter: dispose it or use remove() method.


The add() method used to add an adapter will return a Disposer object.

It means that you can use its dispose() method to destroy it:

let myAdapter = series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
  if (target.dataItem.get("valueY") < 1000) {
    return am5.color(0xff621f);
  else {
    return fill;

// ...

myAdapter.dispose(); // destroy the adapter
var myAdapter = series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
  if (target.dataItem.get("valueY") < 1000) {
    return am5.color(0xff621f);
  else {
    return fill;

// ...

myAdapter.dispose(); // destroy the adapter

Using remove() method

Another way to remove an adapter is using remove() method:


This method is easier, because you don't need to maintain reference to actual adapter.

However, it will disable all adapters for the same key. If the target object has multiple adapters added for the same key, they will all be removed.


If we don't need to remove the adapter, but just want to temporarily disable it, we can use disable() method:


If adapter for certain key is disabled, it will not kick in when settings value is requested.

To re-enable the adapter, use enable() method:


Mutating target element

Adapters can also be used permanently update target element's settings. Those can be other settings, not necessarily ones that the adapter is for.

The following adapter will modify fill setting of a tooltip, but will also modify related tooltipY setting so that tooltips appear at the bottom of the negative-value columns:

series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
  let dataItem = target.dataItem;
  if (dataItem.get("valueY") < 0) {
    target.set("tooltipY", am5.p100);
    return am5.color(0xff0000);
  return fill;
series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function(fill, target) {
  var dataItem = target.dataItem;
  if (dataItem.get("valueY") < 0) {
    target.set("tooltipY", am5.p100);
    return am5.color(0xff0000);
  return fill;

See the Pen Column chart with adapters for the tooltips by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.