Axis header is a container attached to each axis that can be used to put any additional stuff in it: title labels, legend, or anything else.
Header content
Each axis has a header container pre-created. It's accessible via axis' property axisHeader
By default, it contains no content, so is essentially invisible.
To put content into it, we can push new elements into its children
yAxis.axisHeader.children.push(, { text: "Volume", fontWeight: "500" }));
yAxis.axisHeader.children.push(, { text: "Volume", fontWeight: "500" }));
The above will add a label on top of the plot area the axis represents.
Legend in header
Since header is a full-fledged container, it can contain absolutely any element.
It's also a good place for a legend:
var legend = yAxis.axisHeader.children.push(, {}));;
var legend = yAxis.axisHeader.children.push(, {}));;
See the Pen Stacked axes by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.
Header background
Axis header automatically has its background
set to a Rectangle
using default background (e.g. white).
The background does the job of obstructing X axis grid.
Should we need to change color, opacity, or disable the background altogether, we can do it by configuring background rectangle:
yAxis.axisHeader.get("background").setAll({ fill: am5.color(0x000000), fillOpacity: 0.2 });
yAxis.axisHeader.get("background").setAll({ fill: am5.color(0x000000), fillOpacity: 0.2 });