
Panels are instances of StockPanel class (which in turn extends an XYChart) comprising the Stock chart. Zoom state of their X axes as well as cursor are automatically synced by the stock chart itself.

Adding panels

To add a panel, we need to:

  • Create an instance of an StockPanel.
  • Configure it fully (remember it's an XYChart so we can use any configuration options available to it), including axes and series that will go into it.
  • Push it into stock chart's panels list.

The following code will add a single panel. Let's call it a "main chart".

let mainPanel = stockChart.panels.push(, {
  wheelY: "zoomX",
  panX: true,
  panY: true
var mainPanel = stockChart.panels.push(, {
  wheelY: "zoomX",
  panX: true,
  panY: true

MORE INFOFor a complete guide on how to configure an a panel (XY chart), please refer to "XY chart" tutorial section.

Panel controls

If the stock chart has more than one panel, a special set of controls is enabled on each panel.

Controls are buttons that allow:

  • Moving panel up and down.
  • Expanding panel to full chart size.
  • Closing panel.

Panel controls is an object of type PanelControls, and is accessible via panel's panelControls property.

Disabling panel controls

To disable panel controls, simply set its forceHidden: true:


Disabling individual buttons

Individual button elements from the controls are available via the following properties of the PanelControls instance:

  • upButton
  • downButton
  • expandButton
  • closeButton

To selectively disable them, use their forceHidden setting:


NOTEClose button will be automatically disabled for the panel that holds the main series, if there's one set.

Disabling panel resizer

The easiest way to disabling resizing of panels is via custom theme:

let myTheme =;

myTheme.rule("Rectangle", ["panelresizer"]).setAll({
  forceInactive: true

var myTheme =;

myTheme.rule("Rectangle", ["panelresizer"]).setAll({
  forceInactive: true



Initial order

We can push as many StockPanel instances into stock chart's panels list as we need to.

They will appear in the same order as the were pushed: the first panel will be displayed on top, with the rest following.

Reordering via UI

Panels can also be re-ordered by user via panel controls, described earlier in this tutorial.

Reordering via API

Each panel instance offers two methods, that allow changing its position: moveUp() and moveDown().

Their functionality is self-explanatory.


Via settings

Normally, all panels will divide the vertical space between them equally.

We can modify that manually, using panel/chart's height setting.

It accepts both absolute pixel as well as percent values.

let mainPanel = stockChart.panels.push(, {
  wheelY: "zoomX",
  panX: true,
  panY: true

let volumePanel = stockChart.panels.push(, {
  wheelY: "zoomX",
  panX: true,
  panY: true,
  height: am5.percent(30)
var mainPanel = stockChart.panels.push(, {
  wheelY: "zoomX",
  panX: true,
  panY: true

var volumePanel = stockChart.panels.push(, {
  wheelY: "zoomX",
  panX: true,
  panY: true,
  height: am5.percent(30)

In the above example, only "volumePanel" has its height set to 30%.

That means that it will take 30% of the height of the stock chart, with "mainPanel" taking up the rest 70% even if it does not have height explicitly set.

Via user interface

The panels are resizable out-of-the-box.

User can drag space between panels to resize them manually.

Syncing cursors

Cursors between panels will be automatically synced across all panels.

To disable it, use this line of code for each panel after it has been added to the chart:


Removing panels


To remove a panel programmatically, all we need to do is call panel's close() method:


NOTEClosing a panel will automatically dispose it. If we want to keep the instance (perhaps if we are intending to add it back to the the chart) we need to disable auto-disposing:

stockChart.panels.autoDispose = false;
stockChart.panels.autoDispose = false;

Via controls

If panel/chart has panel controls added to it, it can be removed by the user by pressing the "close" button in control bar.


Panels have a few events you can tap into:

EventKicks in when
closedPanel is closed (removed).
collapsedPanel returns from its expanded state.
expandedPanel is expanded.
movedPanel is moved up and down using its controls or API."closed", function(ev) {
  console.log("Buh bye, Volume Panel");
});"closed", function(ev) {
  console.log("Buh bye, Volume Panel");


Below is a working multi-panel stock chart:

See the Pen Stock chart with comparison by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.