Hide series’ tooltips when axis bullet is hovered
This demo shows how we can use events to hide series’ tooltips when tooltip-enabled axis bullet is hovered, ensuring that tooltips do not overlap.
This demo shows how we can use events to hide series’ tooltips when tooltip-enabled axis bullet is hovered, ensuring that tooltips do not overlap.
This demo shows how we can add labels on top of scrollbar grips, that show dates corresponding to their current positions.
This demo shows how we can dynamically show a simple Circle element instead of actual bullets on a lines series. The demo pre-creates a Circle element on chart, which will be used as a “bullet”. When cursor is moving across the chart, the series get their tooltipDataItem setting set dynamically. Whenever tooltipDataItem changes, an event […]
This demo shows how we can toggle “active” state of a bullet by clicking on it. It works by creating an “active” state for the bullet’s circle. This state is triggered on clicked objects if they have their toggleKey: “active” set. It also uses an event to monitor changes for bullet circle’s active setting, to […]
This demo shows how you can convert global document coordinates to a value and a date on respective value and date axes.
This demo shows how to apply scroll behavior to a vertically-stacked axis chart.
This demo shows how we can use axis’ getSeriesItem() method to find the first and last data items when an XY chart is zoomed.
This demo shows how we can disable triggering of slice tooltip when its legend item is hovered. The code The demo
This tutorial will show how we can grab data items that fall within the selection of a cursor on a scatter (XYChart) chart. Setup Our chart setup will use a ValueAxis as its Y-axis, and a DateAxis for its X-axis, just so we can look at how we can extract selection boundaries for both types […]
This demo shows how we can use adapters to automatically color Treemap labels so they standout over node background. Related code Demo