Gantt chart with external data

Type tutorial

This demo shows a Gantt chart with externally-loaded JSON data. It uses built-in net.load utility to load and parse data, as well as a data processor to parse dates and color codes in data.

Totals on clustered column stacks

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can dynamically calculate totals of columns in a multi-stack scenario in a bullet function. For non-clustered column stacks, there’s an easier way. Refer to “Totals on column stacks” tutorial.

Individual legend item for each column in series

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can create a legend to display individual items for each column in a column series, as well as trigger hovers. Relevant code As per legend data item docs, we are using series’ dataItems list to feed the legend data, which produces an item for each column. Additionally, we are adding […]

Clustered box-plot

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can implement clustered box-plot chart with multiple columns per category/date. The code The box-plot chart in amCharts consists of these parts: A candlestick series which creates body of the box plot. A step line series to show a median threshold line over candles. Candlestick series will automatically cluster itself if […]

Aligning axis range labels

Type tutorial

Labels of an axis range are shown on the axis itself by default. This demo shows how we can put them on the opposite side of the plot area, or within it. Labels on opposite side To achieve the required result, we’ll need these steps: The code: The demo: Labels inside plot area We can […]

Additional axis tooltip to display totals

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can add an additional date axis on top of the chart to show a tooltip with sum of values of all series. The tooltip uses an adapter to dynamically calculate its content.

Auto-wrapping category axis labels

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can use an adapter and oversizeBehavior on labels of a category axis, to make the auto-wrap automatically. The code Here’s the relevant code section: Example Related info Category axis docs Handling oversized labels Using adapters

Consistent radius of outer circles of a Force-Directed Tree

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can use adapters to make radius of node’s outer circle be consistent, regardless of the size of the node. To make that happen, all we need to do is to create adapters to fix outer circle’s scale at 1 as well as add fixed number of pixels to its radius: