Applying individual styles for Force-directed links

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how we can use adapters to style each link in a Force-directed chart individually. Adding styles to data The easiest way to associate specific styles with a link is to that information to actual data, e.g.: However, just adding it there will not accomplish anything. We will use an adapter to […]

Aggregating multiple data items into a single tooltip of the data items with same X/Y

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can use an adapter on a series tooltip to automatically aggregate information from multiple data items width same x/y coordinates on a bubble chart. Code First, we’ll make all bubbles visible, by setting their fillOpacity to something less than 1, so they’re semi-transparent and are visible, even when they are […]

Additional axis tooltip to display totals

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can add an additional date axis on top of the chart to show a tooltip with sum of values of all series. The tooltip uses an adapter to dynamically calculate its content.