Syncing cursors across multiple horizontally-arranged charts
This demo shows how we can use XYCursor’s cursormoved event to position cursors on other charts simulating the same position. Related code Demo
This demo shows how we can use XYCursor’s cursormoved event to position cursors on other charts simulating the same position. Related code Demo
This demo shows how we can dynamically alternate the XYCursor’s behavior between zooming and panning based on whether SHIFT key pressed or not. Related code Demo
This demo shows how we can add an additional date axis to show axis tooltip on top of the chart instead of axis itself.
This demo shows how we can sync zoom of an X-axes across multiple charts. Code The function that performs syncing: Using events to monitor changes to start and end settings on each axis: Demo
This demo shows how we can add an additional date axis on top of the chart to show a tooltip with sum of values of all series. The tooltip uses an adapter to dynamically calculate its content.