Type interface
IAccumulationDistributionEvents extends IChartIndicatorEvents
IAccumulationDistributionEvents is not extended by any other symbol.
blur # |
Param { originalEvent: Inherited from Invoked when element loses focus. |
boundschanged # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element's bounds change due to any manipulation to it. |
click # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element is clicked or tapped. |
dataitemchanged # |
Param { newDataItem: Inherited from Invoked when element's data item changes. |
dblclick # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element is doubleclicked or tapped twice quickly. |
dragged # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element ois being dragged. |
dragstart # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element dragging starts. |
dragstop # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element dragging stops. |
focus # |
Param { originalEvent: Inherited from Invoked when element gains focus. |
globalpointermove # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when pointer is moving anywhere in the window, even outside of the element or even chart area. |
globalpointerup # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when pointer button is released or touch stops in the window, even outside of the element or even chart area. |
middleclick # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element is clicked with the middle mouse button. |
pointerdown # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when pointer button is pressed or touch starts over the element. |
pointerout # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when pointer moves outside the element. |
pointerover # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when pointer moves over the element. |
pointerup # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when pointer button is released or touch stops over the element. |
positionchanged # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element's position (X/Y) changes. |
rightclick # |
Param { type: Inherited from Invoked when element is clicked width the right mouse button. |
wheel # |
Param { originalEvent: Inherited from Invoked when mouse wheel is spinned while pointer is over the element. |
There are 19 inherited items currently hidden from this list. |