
Type class


RadialLabel can be used (imported) via one of the following packages.

// Import RadialLabel
import * as am5 from "@amcharts/amcharts5";

// Create RadialLabel
am5.RadialLabel.new(root, {
  // ... config if applicable
<!-- Load RadialLabel -->
<script src="index.js"></script>

// Create RadialLabel
am5.RadialLabel.new(root, {
  // ... config if applicable


RadialLabel extends Label.

RadialLabel is extended by AxisLabelRadial.


Set these settings on a RadialLabel object using its set() and setAll() methods.

Read about settings concept.


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Indicates if element is currently active.


Type Graphics

Inherited from IContainerSettings

Background element.

Click here for more info


Type number | Percent

Default 100%

Radius of the label's position.

Can be either set in absolute pixel value, or percent.

Relative value, depending on the situation, will most often mean its position within certain circular object, like a slice: 0% meaning inner edge, and 100% - the outer edge.


Type undefined | number

Default 0.19

Inherited from ILabelSettings

How mouch of the height should be considered to go below baseline.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Apply blur filter.

Ranges of values in pixels: 0 to X.

IMPORTANT: This setting is not supported in Safari browsers.

Click here for more info
@since 5.5.0


Type undefined | false | true

Default false

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Whether words can be broken when truncating or wrapping text.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Modifty visual brightness.

Range of values: 0 to 1.

IMPORTANT: This setting is not supported in Safari browsers.

Click here for more info
@since 5.5.0


Type number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

X coordinate of the center of the element relative to itself.

Center coordinates will affect placement as well as rotation pivot point.


Type number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Y coordinate of the center of the element relative to itself.

Center coordinates will affect placement as well as rotation pivot point.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Modify contrast.

Range of values: 0 to 1.

IMPORTANT: This setting is not supported in Safari browsers.

Click here for more info
@since 5.5.0


Type undefined | false | true

Default false

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

If set to true, an element will try to draw itself in such way, that it looks crisp on screen, with minimal anti-aliasing.

It will round x/y position so it is positioned fine "on pixel".

It will also adjust strokeWidth based on device pixel ratio or zoom, so the line might look thinner than expected.

NOTE: this is might not universally work, especially when set on several objects that are supposed to fit perfectly with each other.

@since 5.3.0


Type undefined | string

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

A named mouse cursor style to show when hovering this element.

Click here for more info


Type DateFormatter | undefined

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

An instance of DateFormatter that should be used instead of global formatter object.

Click here for more info


Type "ltr" | "rtl"

Default "ltr"

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Text direction.


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Indicates if element is disabled.


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

If set to true, user will be able to drag this element. It will also disable default drag events over the area of this element.


Type DurationFormatter | undefined

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

An instance of DurationFormatter that should be used instead of global formatter object.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Horizontal shift in pixels. Can be negative to shift leftward.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Vertical shift in pixels. Can be negative to shift upward.


Type undefined | string

Default "…"

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Ellipsis characters to use when truncating text.

Will use Unicode ellipsis symbol ("…") by default, which might not be available in all fonts. If ellipsis looks broken, use different characters. E.g.:

label.set("ellipsis", "...");
label.set("ellipsis", "...");


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

If set to false this element will not appear in exported snapshots of the chart.


Type Color

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Text color.


Type Gradient

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Fill gradient.

Click here for more information
@since 5.10.1


Type undefined | number

Default 1

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Text opacity.

@ince 5.2.39


Type undefined | string

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Font family to use for the label.

Multiple fonts can be separated by commas.


Type string | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Font size in misc any supported CSS format (pixel, point, em, etc.).


Type "normal" | "italic" | "oblique"

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Font style.


Type "normal" | "small-caps"

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Font variant.


Type "normal" | "bold" | "bolder" | "lighter" | "100" | "200" | "300" | "400" | "500" | "600" | "700" | "800" | "900"

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Font weight.


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

If set to true the element will be hidden regardless of visible or even if show() is called.


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

If set to true the element will be inactive - absolutely oblivious to all interactions, even if there are related events set, or the interactive: true is set.

@since 5.0.21


Type number | Percent | null

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Element's absolute height in pixels (numeric value) or relative height to parent (Percent);


Type undefined | string

Inherited from IContainerSettings

HTML content of the container.

Click here for more info
@since 5.2.11


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Rotate HUE colors in degrees.

Range of values: 0 to 360.

IMPORTANT: This setting is not supported in Safari browsers.

Click here for more info
@since 5.5.0


Type undefined | string

Inherited from IEntitySettings

A custom string ID for the element.

If set, element can be looked up via am5.registry.entitiesById.

Will raise error if an element with the same ID already exists.


Type undefined | false | true

Default false

Inherited from ILabelSettings

If set to true, will ignore in-line formatting blocks and will display text exactly as it is.


Type undefined | false | true

Default false

Should label be drawn inside (true) or outside (false) the arc.


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Should this element accept user interaction events?


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from IContainerSettings

If set to true all descendants - not just direct children, but every element in it - will become "interactive".


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Invert colors.

Range of values: 0 (no changes) to 1 (completely inverted colors).

IMPORTANT: This setting is not supported in Safari browsers.

Click here for more info
@since 5.5.0


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

If set to false element will not be measured and cannot participate in layout schemes.


Type undefined | number

Default 0

Extra spacing between characters, in pixels.


Type undefined | number

Label anngle in degrees.

In most cases it will be set by the chart/series and does not need to be set manually.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Numeric layer to put element in.

Elements with higher number will appear in front of the ones with lower numer.

If not set, will inherit layer from its ascendants.


Type IMargin

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Margins for the layer.

Can be used to make the layer larger/or smaller than default chart size.

@since @5.2.39


Type Layout | null

Inherited from IContainerSettings

A method to layout

Click here for more info


Type Percent | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Line height in percent or absolute pixels.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Bottom margin in pixels.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Left margin in pixels.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Right margin in pixels.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Top margin in pixels.


Type Graphics | null

Inherited from IContainerSettings

An element to use as a container's mask (clipping region).

Click here for more info


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from IContainerSettings

If set to true all content going outside the bounds of the container will be clipped.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Maximum number of characters to allow in label.

If the text is longer than maxChars, the text will be truncated using the breakWords and ellipsis settings.

@since 5.7.2


Type number | null

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Maximum allowed height in pixels.


Type number | null

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Maximum allowed width in pixels.


Type number | null

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Minimum allowed height in pixels.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Minimum relative scale allowed for label when scaling down when oversizedBehavior is set to "fit".

If fitting the label would require it to scale beyond minScale it would be hidden instead.


Type number | null

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Minimum allowed width in pixels.


Type NumberFormatter | undefined

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

An instance of NumberFormatter that should be used instead of global formatter object.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Opacity of the label.

0 - fully transparent; 1 - fully opaque.


Type "inward" | "outward" | "auto"

Default "auto"

Should the text "face" inward or outward from the arc the text is following.

"auto" means that facing will be chosen automatically based on the angle to enhance readbility.

Only applies if type = "circluar".


Type "none" | "hide" | "fit" | "wrap" | "wrap-no-break" | "truncate"

Inherited from ILabelSettings

How to handle labels that do not fit into its designated space.

LIMITATIONS: on circular labels, the only values supported are "hide" and "truncate". The latter will ignore breakWords setting.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | number

Inherited from IContainerSettings

Bottom padding in pixels.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from IContainerSettings

Left padding in pixels.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from IContainerSettings

Right padding in pixels.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from IContainerSettings

Top padding in pixels.


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ILabelSettings

If set to true the label will parse text for data placeholders and will try to populate them with actual data.

Click here for more info


Type "absolute" | "relative"

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Positioning of the element.

"absolute" means element will not participate in parent layout scheme, and will be positioned solely accoridng its x and y settings.


Type undefined | number

Pixel value to adjust radius with.

Will add to (or subtract from if negative) whatever value baseRadius evaluates to.


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from IContainerSettings

If set to true its children will be laid out in opposite order.

@since 5.1.1


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Rotation in degrees.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Modify saturation.

Range of values in pixels: 0 to X.

  • 0 - grayscale
  • 1 - no changes
  • >1 - more saturated IMPORTANT: This setting is not supported in Safari browsers.

Click here for more info
@since 5.5.0


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings


Setting to a value less than 1 will shrink object.


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Apply sepia filter.

Range of values: 0 (no changes) to 1 (complete sepia).

IMPORTANT: This setting is not supported in Safari browsers.

Click here for more info
@since 5.5.0


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from IContainerSettings

If set to true, applying a state on a container will also apply the same state on its children.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Blurriness of the the shadow.

The bigger the number, the more blurry shadow will be.

Click here for more info


Type Color | null

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Color of the element's shadow.

For this to work at least one of the following needs to be set as well:

shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Horizontal shadow offset in pixels.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Vertical shadow offset in pixels.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | number

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Opacity of the shadow (0-1).

If not set, will use the same as fillOpacity of the element.

Click here for more info


Type "hover" | "always" | "click"

Default "hover"

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Defines when tooltip is shown over the element.

Available options:

  • "hover" (default) - tooltip is shown when element is hovered by a pointer or touched. It is hidden as soon as element is not hovered anymore, or touch occurs outside it.
  • "always" - a tooltip will always be shown over the element, without any interactions. Please note that if you need to show tooltips for multiple elements at the same time, you need to explicitly create a Tooltip instance and set element's tooltip setting with it.
  • '"click"' - a tooltip will only appear when target element is clicked/tapped. Tooltip will hide when clicking anywhere else on the page.

Click here for more info
@since 5.0.16


Type undefined | number

Inherited from IEntitySettings

Duration of transition from one state to another.


Type $ease.Easing

Inherited from IEntitySettings

Easing of transition from one state to another.


Type undefined | string

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Allows binding element's settings to data.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | string

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Labels' text.

Click here for text styling info


Type "start" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "center"

Inherited from ILabelSettings



Type "top" | "hanging" | "middle" | "alphabetic" | "ideographic" | "bottom"

Inherited from ILabelSettings

A base line to use when aligning text chunks vertically.


Type "underline" | "line-through"

Inherited from ILabelSettings

Text decoration.

Supported options "underline", "line-through".

@since 5.0.15


Type "regular" | "circular" | "radial" | "aligned" | "adjusted"

Default "regular"

Label type.

  • "regular" (default) - normal horizontal label.
  • "circular" - arched label.
  • "radial" - label radiating from the center of the arc.
  • "aligned" - horizontal label aligned with other labels horizontally.
  • "adjusted" - horizontal label adjusted in postion.
  • IMPORTANT!** If the label is used in a PieSeries, its alignLabels setting (default: true) takes precedence over textType. If you need to set this to anything else than regular, make sure you also set alignLabels: falese on PieSeries.


Type Array

Inherited from IEntitySettings

Tags which can be used by the theme rules.

Click here for more info


Type Array

Inherited from IEntitySettings

Tags which can be used by the theme rules.

These tags only apply to this object, not any children.

Click here for more info


Type Array

Inherited from IEntitySettings

A list of themes applied to the element.


Type "disabled" | "active" | "none" | undefined

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

If set, element will toggle specified boolean setting between true and false when clicked/touched.


Type Tooltip

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Tooltip instance.


Type undefined | string

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

HTML content to show in a tooltip when hovered.

@since 5.2.11


Type "fixed" | "pointer"

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Tooltip position.


Type undefined | string

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Text to show in a tooltip when hovered.


Type number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Tooltip pointer X coordinate relative to the element itself.


Type number | Percent

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Tooltip pointer Y coordinate relative to the element itself.


Type any

Inherited from IEntitySettings

A storage for any custom user data that needs to be associated with the element.


Type Scrollbar

Inherited from IContainerSettings

Setting this to an instance of Scrollbar will enable vertical scrolling of content if it does not fit into the Container.

Click here for more info


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Is element visible?


Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

If set to true, mouse wheel events will be triggered over the element. It will also disable page scrolling using mouse wheel when pointer is over the element.


Type number | Percent | null

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Element's absolute width in pixels (numeric value) or relative width to parent (Percent);


Type number | Percent | null

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

X position relative to parent.


Type number | Percent | null

Inherited from ISpriteSettings

Y position relative to parent.

There are 100 inherited items currently hidden from this list.

Private settings

These are read-only settings accessible from a RadialLabel object using its getPrivate() method.

Read about private settings.


Read only

Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpritePrivate

If set to false, its tabindex will be set to -1, so it does not get focused with TAB, regardless whether its public setting focusable is set to true.

@since 5.3.16


Read only

Type HTMLDivElement

Inherited from IContainerPrivate

A <div> element used for HTML content of the Container.


Read only

Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpritePrivate

Is element currently showing a tooltip?


Read only

Type Graphics

Inherited from ISpritePrivate

An element tooltip should inherit its colors from.


Read only

Type undefined | false | true

Inherited from ISpritePrivate

If set to true, the sprite will check if a mouse pointer is within its bounds before dispatching pointer events.

This helps to solve ghost tooltips problem that sometimes appear while moving the pointer over interactive objects.

This is set to true by default on Rectangle and Circle.

@since 5.5.0

There are 5 inherited items currently hidden from this list.



Type Adapters

Default new Adapters(this)

Inherited from Entity


Type Children

Default new Children(this)

Inherited from Container

List of Container's child elements.



Type string

Default "RadialLabel"



Type Array

Default "RadialLabel", "Label", "Container", "Sprite", "Entity"


Type DataItem | undefined

Inherited from Sprite

A DataItem used for this element.

NOTE: data item is being assigned automatically in most cases where it matters. Use this accessor to set data item only if you know what you're doing.


Type SpriteEventDispatcher

Inherited from Sprite


Type Container | undefined

Inherited from Sprite

Parent Container of this element.


Type Root

Inherited from Entity

An instance of Root object.

@since 5.0.6


Type States

Default new States(this)

Inherited from Entity


Type Template | undefined

Inherited from Entity

@todo needs description


Type number

Default ++counter

Inherited from Settings

Unique ID.

There are 9 inherited items currently hidden from this list.




Returns Array

Inherited from Container


options: AnimationOptions



Returns Animation

Inherited from Settings

Animates setting values from current/start values to new ones.

Click here for more info


duration?: undefined | number,
delay?: undefined | number



Returns Promise

Inherited from Sprite

Plays initial reveal animation regardless if element is currently hidden or visible.



Returns number

Returns base radius in pixels.



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns an actual opacity of the element, taking into account all parents.

@since 5.2.11



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns an actual roation of the element, taking into account all parents.

@since 5.9.2



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns an actual scale of the element, taking into account all parents.

@since 5.9.2



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns depth (how deep in the hierachy of the content tree) of this element.



Returns void

Inherited from Settings

Disposes this object.


f: ( child: Sprite) => void



Returns void

Inherited from Container


key: Key,
fallback: F



Returns NonNullable | F

Inherited from Entity

Returns settings value for the specified key.

If there is no value, fallback is returned instead (if set).

Click here for more info



Returns string

Inherited from Label

Returns "aria-label" text with populated placeholders and formatting if populateText is set to true.



Returns DateFormatter

Inherited from Sprite

Returns an instance of DateFormatter used in this element.

If this element does not have it set, global one form Root is used.

Click here for more info



Returns DurationFormatter

Inherited from Sprite

Returns an instance of DurationFormatter used in this element.

If this element does not have it set, global one form Root is used.

Click here for more info



Returns NumberFormatter

Inherited from Sprite

Returns an instance of NumberFormatter used in this element.

If this element does not have it set, global one form Root is used.

Click here for more info



Returns string

Inherited from Label

Returns text with populated placeholders and formatting if populateText is set to true.



Returns Tooltip | undefined

Inherited from Sprite

Returns Tooltip used for this element.


key: Key



Returns boolean

Inherited from Settings

Returns true if the setting exists.

Click here for more info



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns height of this element in pixels.


duration?: undefined | number



Returns Promise

Inherited from Sprite

Hides the element and returns a Promise which completes when all hiding animations are finished.

series.hide().then(function(ev) {
  console.log("Series finished hiding");
series.hide().then(function(ev) {
  console.log("Series finished hiding");



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Hides element's Tooltip.



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Simulate hover over element.



Returns number

Inherited from Container

Returns container's inner height (height without padding) in pixels.



Returns number

Inherited from Container

Returns container's inner width (width without padding) in pixels.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Settings

Returns true if this element is disposed.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if this element is currently being dragged.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if this element does currently have focus.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if this element is currently hidden.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if this element is currently animating to a hidden state.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if this element is currently hovered by a pointer.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns true if this element is currently animating to a default state.


type: string



Returns this

Inherited from Entity

Checks if element is of certain class (or inherits one).



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Returns false if if either public or private setting visible is set to false, or forceHidden is set to true.



Returns boolean

Inherited from Sprite

Same as isVisible(), except it checks all ascendants, too.

@since 5.2.7


key: Key



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Marks some setting as dirty. Could be used to trigger adapter.



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns maximum allowed height of this element in pixels.



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns maximum allowed width of this element in pixels.


root: Root,
settings: ITSettings,
template?: Template




Returns T

Inherited from Entity

Use this method to create an instance of this class.

Click here for more info


key: Key,
callback?: undefined | ( value: [""], target: this, key: Key) => void



Returns void

Inherited from Settings

Removes a callback for when value of a setting changes.

Click here for more info
@since 5.9.2


key: Key,
callback?: undefined | ( value: [""], target: this, key: Key) => void



Returns void

Inherited from Settings

Removes a callback for when value of a private setting changes.

Click here for more info
@since 5.9.2


key: Key,
callback: ( value: [""], target: this, key: Key) => void



Returns IDisposer

Inherited from Settings

Sets a callback function to invoke when specific key of settings changes or is set.

Click here for more info


key: Key,
callback: ( value: [""], target: this, key: Key) => void



Returns IDisposer

Inherited from Settings

Sets a callback function to invoke when specific key of private settings changes or is set.

Click here for more info



Returns number

Returns radius adjustment in pixels.


key: Key



Returns void

Inherited from Entity

Removes a setting value for the specified key.

Click here for more info



Returns void

Inherited from Settings

Removes all keys;

Click here for more info


key: Key,
value: Value



Returns Value

Inherited from Entity

Sets a setting value for the specified key, and returns the same value.

Click here for more info


settings: Partial



Returns void

Inherited from Settings

Sets multiple settings at once.

settings must be an object with key: value pairs.

Click here for more info


fn: () => void,
delay: number



Returns IDisposer

Inherited from Entity

Creates and returns a "disposable" timeout.


duration?: undefined | number



Returns Promise

Inherited from Sprite

Shows currently hidden element and returns a Promise which completes when all showing animations are finished.

series.show().then(function(ev) {
  console.log("Series is now fully visible");
series.show().then(function(ev) {
  console.log("Series is now fully visible");


point?: IPoint



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Shows element's Tooltip.



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Moves sprite to the beginning of the parent's children array.

Depending on layout setting of the parten container, it may effect the positioning or overlapping order of the elements.



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Moves sprite to the end of the parent's children array.

Depending on layout setting of the parten container, it may effect the positioning or overlapping order of the elements.


point: IPoint



Returns IPoint

Inherited from Sprite

Converts X/Y coordinate within this element to a global coordinate.


point: IPoint



Returns IPoint

Inherited from Sprite

Converts global X/Y coordinate to a coordinate within this element.



Returns void

Inherited from Sprite

Simulate unhover over element.



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns width of this element in pixels.



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's actual X position in pixels.



Returns number

Inherited from Sprite

Returns element's actual Y position in pixels.

There are 56 inherited items currently hidden from this list.


Add event handlers to RadialLabel object using its events.on() method.

Read about adding event handlers.


Param { originalEvent: FocusEvent,
  target: Sprite,
  type: "blur",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element loses focus.


Param { type: "boundschanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element's bounds change due to any manipulation to it.


Param { type: "click",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element is clicked or tapped.


Param { newDataItem: DataItem | undefined,
  oldDataItem: DataItem | undefined,
  type: "dataitemchanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element's data item changes.


Param { type: "dblclick",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element is doubleclicked or tapped twice quickly.


Param { type: "dragged",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element ois being dragged.


Param { type: "dragstart",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element dragging starts.


Param { type: "dragstop",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element dragging stops.


Param { originalEvent: FocusEvent,
  target: Sprite,
  type: "focus",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element gains focus.


Param { type: "globalpointermove",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when pointer is moving anywhere in the window, even outside of the element or even chart area.


Param { type: "globalpointerup",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when pointer button is released or touch stops in the window, even outside of the element or even chart area.


Param { type: "middleclick",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element is clicked with the middle mouse button.


Param { type: "pointerdown",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when pointer button is pressed or touch starts over the element.


Param { type: "pointerout",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when pointer moves outside the element.


Param { type: "pointerover",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when pointer moves over the element.


Param { type: "pointerup",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when pointer button is released or touch stops over the element.


Param { type: "positionchanged",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element's position (X/Y) changes.


Param { type: "rightclick",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when element is clicked width the right mouse button.


Param { originalEvent: WheelEvent,
  point: IPoint,
  type: "wheel",
  target: this }

Inherited from Label

Invoked when mouse wheel is spinned while pointer is over the element.

There are 19 inherited items currently hidden from this list.