Show only one series at a time

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can use series settings events to ensure only one series is shown on an XY chart at a time, by toggling off other series automatically.

One pulled slice per pie series

Type tutorial

Normally, when you click/tap a slice on a Pie chart, it would pull out a little. You can have multiple slices pulled out that way. This tutorial will show how you can set up Pie chart in order to allow only one slice to be pulled at any given time. Task We want the slice […]

Creating multi-content PDF export

Type tutorial

This extensive tutorial will show how you can use pdfmake library, which is bundled with amCharts 5 plugin Exporting, to generate full page, multi-content report PDF documents. Disclaimer Majority of this tutorial is based on using pdfmake. It’s an excellent third party library enabling generating PDF documents in JavaScript. Our aim is to walk you […]

Disabling context menu on chart

Type tutorial

Normally, browsers will display a context menu when you press right mouse button over some element. If done over amCharts 5, it will display a context menu for a <canvas> element. This tutorial will show how you can disable default behavior of a right-click on canvas elements, as well as attach built-in rightclick event to […]

Axis labels on base line

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we adapters to position X axis labels under base (zero) line, rather than fixed at the bottom of the plot area.

Auto-adjusting chart height based on a number of data items

Type tutorial

This tutorial will explain how you can easily make your chart grow or contract based on an actual number of data. The problem Let’s take a simple bar chart: It looks OK. However, it height is fixed, so if we had more bars, it might start looking a bit awkward: Or, if there are too […]

Triggering bullet hover effects with chart cursor

Type tutorial

These are two demos that show how we can use chart cursor’s cursormoved event to trigger hover effects on multiple series’ bullets. Changing appearance of bullets This will make bullets grow larger on the category currently hovered by chart cursor. Showing on hover only In this demo, the bullets will be hidden except on the […]

Country-specific world maps

Type tutorial

Some countries like India, China, and some other have local regulations regarding how their borders are drawn that differ from UN-mandated or actually controlled territories. This tutorial will explain how to use country-specific maps with MapChart. Available maps The following country-specific versions of World map are currently available: Country Map files (.ts; .js; .json) Map […]

Handling pie chart labels that don’t fit

Type tutorial

In some cases we will come across chart setups that will have their slice labels cut off, especially on smaller charts. This tutorial will look at few ways to handle those situations. The problem Pie chart does not factor in width of slice labels when sizing the pie itself. This means that on some smaller […]