Type interface
ILinkedHierarchyDataItem extends IHierarchyDataItem
ILinkedHierarchyDataItem is extended by IForceDirectedDataItem
, ITreeDataItem
category # |
Type Inherited from Category. |
childData # |
Type Inherited from Raw data of the node's children. |
childLinks # |
Type An array of |
children # |
Type An array of child data items. |
circle # |
customValue # |
Type Inherited from |
customValueChange # |
Type Inherited from |
customValueChangePercent # |
Type Inherited from |
customValueChangePrevious # |
Type Inherited from |
customValueChangePreviousPercent # |
Type Inherited from |
customValueChangeSelection # |
Type Inherited from |
customValueChangeSelectionPercent # |
Type Inherited from |
customValueWorking # |
Type Inherited from |
depth # |
Type Inherited from Node's depth within the hierarchy. |
disabled # |
Type Inherited from Indicates if node is currently disabled. |
fill # |
Type Inherited from Node's auto-assigned color. |
fillPattern # |
Type Inherited from Node's auto-assigned pattern. Click here for more info |
id # |
Type Inherited from |
label # |
Type Inherited from A reference to node's |
linkWith # |
Type An array of IDs of directly linked nodes. |
links # |
Type An |
node # |
Type A related node. |
outerCircle # |
parent # |
Type A data item of a parent node. |
parentLink # |
Type A |
sum # |
Type Inherited from Sum of child values. |
value # |
Type Inherited from Value of the node as set in data. |
valueChange # |
Type Inherited from |
valueChangePercent # |
Type Inherited from |
valueChangePrevious # |
Type Inherited from |
valueChangePreviousPercent # |
Type Inherited from |
valueChangeSelection # |
Type Inherited from |
valueChangeSelectionPercent # |
Type Inherited from |
valuePercent # |
Type Inherited from Percent value of the node, based on the value of its direct parent. @since 5.2.21 |
valuePercentTotal # |
Type Inherited from Percent value of the node, based on total sum of all nodes in upper level. |
valueWorkingClose # |
Type Inherited from |
valueWorkingOpen # |
Type Inherited from |
visible # |
Type Inherited from |
There are 29 inherited items currently hidden from this list. |