Custom icons in Stock Chart

Type demo

This demo shows how we can use a custom theme to override the look of icons used in a StockChart. Code Comment By default, Stock chart uses a custom draw function for its icons. In the above code, in a theme, we override draw with an empty function, so that default behavior is disabled. Then […]

Toggle multiple pie slices via legend

Type demo

This demo shows how we can use events on a Legend to “inverse” toggle behavior of Pie chart’s legend by showing only clicked sliced, while hiding the rest of the slices. Code Example

Adding sum labels inside Donut chart

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how we can add labels inside a Donut series, make them display dynamic info, such as sum of values of all slices, as well resize dynamically to comfortably fit within inner section of a chart. Adding a label We can add Label element directly as a child of a PieSeries and […]

Using bullets to apply styling to grid under series

Type demo

This demo shows how we can add a vertical Line element to a series bullet to show different styling of a grid under a LineSeries. Code In the following code we create a Container element in a bullet, then add a Circle and a Line element to it. Example

Using axis ranges to highlight weekends

Type tutorial

Axis ranges is a good way to highlight specific places or stretches along an axis. This tutorial will show how we can create code to automatically create axis ranges to highlight weekends on a DateAxis. The task Say, we have a chart that shows line series along a date-based axis. To make our user understand […]

Applying individual styles for Force-directed links

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how we can use adapters to style each link in a Force-directed chart individually. Adding styles to data The easiest way to associate specific styles with a link is to that information to actual data, e.g.: However, just adding it there will not accomplish anything. We will use an adapter to […]

Clickable circular labels

Type demo

In amCharts 5, labels need to have a background to be able to be compatible with pointer interactions such as hover and click. However, circular labels do not support backgrounds. This demo solves the issue by adding a Slice element into such labels.

Printing pages with large charts

Type tutorial

When browser prints a page, it resizes and refloats the whole DOM to fit the page. This ensures that all content fits into the print format, say, A4 or Letter. Chart containers are resized as well, but since browser rendering is an async operation, they do not re-render before the page goes to print. We […]

Adding tooltips to Volume Profile Indicator

Type demo

Normally, Volume Profile Indicator (as any other indicator) would display its hover data in a legend. This demo shows how we can create a custom theme to make tooltips pop up when directly hovering indicator’s bars. Code Example