Heat legend with scale

Type tutorial

This demo shows, how we can add a scale to a Heat Legend by pushing regular ValueAxis into it. Code Demo

Setting mouse pointer style

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how we can change cursor style when hovering over some chart element. Setting cursor style We can use any element’s cursorOverStyle setting to specify which cursor to show when it is hovered by a mouse cursor. Available styles The following table lists a few of the most common cursor styles. For […]

Tree Chart with HTML nodes

Type tutorial

This tutorial shows how we can use HTML content instead of built-in circle nodes on a Tree Chart.

Hybrid line and Gantt chart

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can use stacked axes to create a combined chart with a Line series and Column (Gantt) series sharing the same X axis.

Adding amCharts to Squarespace

Type tutorial

This tutorial will show how we can easily add an amCharts 5 chart to a Squarespace page. Requirements This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of how amCharts 5 works and how to create a code for it. It also utilizes premium feature of Squarespace – JavaScript embedding – which means you will need […]