Focusable pie slices with perfect outline

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can hide default rectangular bracket for focused pie slice as well as apply custom state to highlight focused one. Code CSS The following CSS will hide the built-in rectangular focus highlighter. Example

Column labels as categories

Type tutorial

This tutorial will explain how individual column labels (bullets) can be used as Category axis labels. The task During the course of this tutorial, we are going to give a fairly basic clustered column chart a makeup. Let’s do this step by step. Moving categories up First task is to move those year categories up […]

Align legend width plot area

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can use events to set legend’s dx setting, to automatically align it to the left side of the chart’s plot container.

Treemap with partial fills in nodes

Type tutorial

This demo shows how we can add partial data-based fills to Treemap nodes using Rectangle element as a bullet, and a couple of adapters.