Adding axis ranges to a legend

Type demo

Axis ranges are data items, so they can be added directly to a Legend data. This demo shows how we can also enhance that capability to replicate axis range appearance in legend markers with custom template setup function. Demo

Adaptively changing tooltip orientation based on column value

Type demo

This demo shows how we can use an adapter to change the orientation of a ColumnSeries tooltip based on the column value. Related code The following code will change value of tooltip’s pointerOrientation to either point down or up based on whether target column’s value is above or below zero. Demo

Line series with a border

Type demo

This demo shows how to add an outline to line series using two methods: an additional (thicker) line series and a shadow. Using additional series Adding a line shadow

Drill-down column chart

Type demo

This demo shows how we can show aggregated daily data as a column series, then drill-down into hourly data for the day on a click. Example